How to install Harvest ---------------------- System Requirements ------------------- You need following components to build and run Harvest: - Unix like Operating System - Bison (available at and its mirrors) - Flex (available at and its mirrors) - C compiler (GCC recommended) - Perl 5 - Sh and csh (bash and tcsh are good replacements) - Webserver Building Harvest ---------------- After unpacking harvest, type "./configure" to configure Harvest. configure has many options. To see a list of available options, type "./configure --help | less". This will install Harvest in "/usr/local/harvest": ./configure make make install If you want another directory for Harvest, use: ./configure --prefix=/path/you/want make make install If you are updating an older version of Harvest, you already have done everything necessary to update Harvest. Configuring Harvest ------------------- To configure Harvest, change to the directory you have installed Harvest, either "/usr/local/harvest" or "/path/you/want" and do: ./RunHarvest RunHarvest will ask some questions. It usually makes reasonable suggestions, so just hitting enter when promted to answer a question should be okay. If you are familiar with Harvest or know that you want to change something, feel free to override the suggestions. After getting all answers, RunHarvest will create a gatherer/broker pair and perform initial gathering. Configuring the System ---------------------- Harvest assumes all of its files in "http://your.harvest.server/Harvest/" and cgi scripts in "http://your.harvest.server/Harvest/cgi-bin/". Modify your http daemon to reflect this. For apache, add following lines to your access.conf or httpd.conf. ScriptAlias /Harvest/cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/harvest/cgi-bin/" Alias /Harvest/ "/usr/local/harvest/" Note that the order of these lines are important. If you get error messages from http daemon when attempting to access files in /Harvest/, it must be configured to follow symbolic links. For apache, add following lines to your httpd.conf. Options FollowSymLinks Don't forget to restart apache after reconfiguration. For other http daemons, consult the documentation of your http daemon. Using Harvest ------------- Start your favourite web browser and visit the page: "http://your.harvest.server/Harvest/brokers/your_broker/" You should see the query page of Harvest. Congratulations, you have successfully installed Harvest. Additional Setup ---------------- To perform periodic gathering, add a line like this to your cron table: 0 23 * * 5 /usr/local/harvest/gatherers/your_gatherer/RunGatherer Managing Harvest ---------------- Read the Harvest User's Manual and FAQ in doc/ directory. The Harvest Homepage "" might have more up to date information. If you have trouble building or using Harvest, feel free to contact me or post an article in comp.infosystems.harvest. -------------------------- Kang-Jin Lee 11 April 2002